The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® is a non-invasive, external, massage technique that is safe and effective with few contraindications of unexpected outcomes. There are certain conditions where application of these techniques are either contraindicated or require modification. Please consult with your practitioner if you have any questions.
Arvigo® Therapy can be applied if a client is undergoing fertility treatment, such as IUI or IVF, and has been shown to improve hemo-dynamics and homeostasis to support and enhance fertility.
One to two sessions are generally booked during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle from day 3 to day 12.
Women who have had hysterectomies will benefit greatly from Arvigo® Therapy and Arvigo® Self-Care as they improve circulation in and around the area of the scar. When circulation is improved, scar tissue will be prevented from forming in the pelvis after surgery. Ligaments and other remaining organs are helped to be in the correct position and are benefited from improving circulatory flow.
As the energy of the uterus remains, applying Arvigo® Therapy can help connect with the divine feminine within.
Renee_Vancouver (IG) on right